DECLARE @LogDate AS BIGINT = dbo.GetUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) DECLARE @queryId AS INTEGER = 10366 DECLARE @surveyXML nvarchar(MAX) DECLARE @releaseId integer SET @releaseId = (select releaseId from APP_Client where id = 2) DECLARE @temptbl table ( [isloopy_on-prem] int,[isMetallic] int,[number of on-prem commcells registered] int,[jupiter IDP] int,[No of IDP Service commcells] int,[is IDP service commcell(Jupiter)] int,[is Service commcell(Traditional commcell app)] int,[number of traditional commcell apps] int,[isRouter] int,[number of Router Service commcells] int,[is Router service commcell] int ) IF @releaseId = 16 BEGIN insert into @temptbl EXEC('SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET NOCOUNT ON; Use CommServ SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED --case 1: loopy - on-prem declare @loopy_isOnPrem INT = 0 --case 2: metallic. declare @loopy_isMetallic INT = 0 declare @loopy_NumberOfOnPremRegistered INT = 0 -- case 3. Jupiter IDP DECLARE @jupiter_isIDP INT = 0 DECLARE @jupiter_numberOfIDPServiceCommcellRegistered INT = 0 --Case 4: IDP Service commcell DECLARE @jupiter_isIDPServiceCommcell INT = 0 -- Case 5: Router DECLARE @router_isRouter INT = 0 DECLARE @router_numberOfRouterServiceCommcellRegistered INT = 0 --Case 6: Traditional commcell app. DECLARE @commcellApp_numberOfCommcellAppsRegistered INT = 0 DECLARE @commcellApp_isServiceCommcell INT = 0 --Case 7: Router service commcell DECLARE @router_isRouterServiceCommcell INT = 0 IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects where name = ''App_thirdpartyApp'') --App_thirdpartyApp is used in all the cases and if the table is not present, it is safe to say none of the login types have been configured. BEGIN GOTO PROC_END END --Case 1: IF EXISTS((select 1 from GXGlobalParam where name =''completedSetups'' and value like ''%"metallic":true%'')) BEGIN SET @loopy_isOnPrem = 1; GOTO PROC_END END --Case 2: SELECT @loopy_NumberOfOnPremRegistered = COUNT(DISTINCT from APP_ComponentProp as comp (nolock) inner join App_ThirdPartyApp as ATP (nolock) ON comp.componentId = where comp.componentType = 1034 and comp.propertyTypeId = 5 -- CV_COMPONENT_SUBSCRIBER_REDIRECTURL IF (@loopy_NumberOfOnPremRegistered > 0) BEGIN SET @loopy_isMetallic = 1 GOTO PROC_END END --case 3: select @jupiter_numberOfIDPServiceCommcellRegistered = COUNT(DISTINCT from APP_ComponentProp as appcomp (nolock) inner join app_commcell as commcell (nolock) on = appcomp.componentId inner join App_ThirdPartyApp as ATP (nolock) ON ATP.appName = commcell.csGUID WHERE appcomp.componentType = 1048 and appcomp.propertyTypeId = 2 and appcomp.longlongVal = 1 and appcomp.componentId <> 2 IF (@jupiter_numberOfIDPServiceCommcellRegistered > 0) BEGIN SET @jupiter_isIDP = 1 GOTO PROC_END END --Case 4: IDP Service commcell IF EXISTS(select 1 from APP_ComponentProp as appcomp (nolock) inner join app_commcell as commcell (nolock) on = appcomp.componentId inner join App_ThirdPartyApp as ATP (nolock) ON ATP.appName = commcell.csGUID WHERE appcomp.componentType = 1048 and appcomp.propertyTypeId = 2 and appcomp.longlongVal = 1 and appcomp.componentId = 2) BEGIN SET @jupiter_isIDPServiceCommcell = 1 GOTO PROC_END END --Case 5: Traditional commcell app. select @commcellApp_numberOfCommcellAppsRegistered = COUNT(DISTINCT from App_ThirdPartyApp as ATP (nolock) inner join APP_ComponentProp as compProp (nolock) ON = compProp.componentId where ATP.appType = 3 and compProp.componentType = 1034 and compProp.propertyTypeId in (12,13,14,15,61) -- propertyTypeId ----> ENTITY TYPE 1.all users ----- 12 2. User----------13 3. all groups ----14 4. UserGroup-----15 5. NameServer----61 AND (ATP.props.value(''(/props/nameValues[@name="Enable Sso Redirect"]/@value)[1]'',''nvarchar(max)'') = ''1'' OR ATP.props.value(''(/props/nameValues[@name="Global IDP Commcell"]/@value)[1]'',''nvarchar(max)'') = ''1'') IF(@commcellApp_numberOfCommcellAppsRegistered >0) BEGIN SET @commcellApp_isServiceCommcell = 1 GOTO PROC_END END -- Case 6: Router select @router_numberOfRouterServiceCommcellRegistered = COUNT(DISTINCT from APP_ComponentProp as appcomp (nolock) inner join app_commcell as commcell (nolock) on = appcomp.componentId inner join App_ThirdPartyApp as ATP (nolock) ON ATP.appName = commcell.csGUID WHERE appcomp.componentType = 1048 and appcomp.propertyTypeId = 2 and appcomp.longlongVal = 0 and appcomp.componentId <> 2 IF(@router_numberOfRouterServiceCommcellRegistered > 0) BEGIN SET @router_isRouter = 1 GOTO PROC_END END --Case 7: Router service commcell. router commcell doesn''t involve SAML token exchange. added it to find how many customers are using it. IF EXISTS(select 1 from APP_ComponentProp as appcomp (nolock) inner join app_commcell as commcell (nolock) on = appcomp.componentId inner join App_ThirdPartyApp as ATP (nolock) ON ATP.appName = commcell.csGUID WHERE appcomp.componentType = 1048 and appcomp.propertyTypeId = 2 and appcomp.longlongVal = 0 and appcomp.componentId = 2) BEGIN SET @router_isRouterServiceCommcell = 1 GOTO PROC_END END PROC_END: SELECT @loopy_isOnPrem ''isloopy_on-prem'', @loopy_isMetallic as ''isMetallic'', @loopy_NumberOfOnPremRegistered as ''number of on-prem commcells registered'', @jupiter_isIDP ''jupiter IDP'', @jupiter_numberOfIDPServiceCommcellRegistered ''No of IDP Service commcells'', @jupiter_isIDPServiceCommcell ''is IDP service commcell(Jupiter)'', @commcellApp_isServiceCommcell as ''is Service commcell(Traditional commcell app)'', @commcellApp_numberOfCommcellAppsRegistered as ''number of traditional commcell apps'', @router_isRouter as ''isRouter'', @router_numberOfRouterServiceCommcellRegistered ''number of Router Service commcells'', @router_isRouterServiceCommcell ''is Router service commcell'' ') END SET @surveyXML = ( SELECT ( SELECT [isloopy_on-prem] AS '@isloopy_on-prem',[isMetallic] AS '@isMetallic',[number of on-prem commcells registered] AS '@Col_-382237609',[jupiter IDP] AS '@Col_1888558354',[No of IDP Service commcells] AS '@Col_1717659397',[is IDP service commcell(Jupiter)] AS '@Col_1068703066',[is Service commcell(Traditional commcell app)] AS '@Col_-2124370520',[number of traditional commcell apps] AS '@Col_657192601',[isRouter] AS '@isRouter',[number of Router Service commcells] AS '@Col_1175656661',[is Router service commcell] AS '@Col_79400538' FROM @temptbl FOR XML PATH ('cf_MetricsQuery10366'), type ) FOR XML PATH ('SurveyResults') ) DECLARE @EndTime AS BIGINT = dbo.GetUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) SET @outputXML = (SELECT @queryId AS '@QueryId', @EndTime AS '@LogDate', (@EndTime - @LogDate) AS '@QueryRunningTime', @surveyXML FOR XML PATH('Rpt_CSSXMLDATA'))