SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED DECLARE @LogDate AS BIGINT = dbo.getUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) DECLARE @queryId AS BIGINT = 214 DECLARE @surveyXML NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @csReleaseId INT SELECT @csReleaseId = releaseId FROM APP_Client WHERE id = 2 DECLARE @csHighestSP INT SELECT @csHighestSP = MAX(CASE WHEN HighestSP>100 THEN HighestSP/100 ELSE HighestSP END) FROM simInstalledPackages WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE clientId = 2 DECLARE @result XML, @UserNotLoggedIn XML, @UserGroupWithNoUser XML, @AlertsWithoutUser XML ----------------------------User not loggedIn in last 30 days--------------- DECLARE @nowTime BIGINT = dbo.getUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) DECLARE @csTimeZoneName NVARCHAR(1024) = '' SELECT @csTimeZoneName = dbo.GetClientTimeZone(2) IF ISNULL(@csTimeZoneName, '') = '' BEGIN SELECT @csTimeZoneName = timeZone FROM APP_CommCell WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE id = 2 SELECT @csTimeZoneName = TimeZoneStdName FROM SchedTimeZone WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE TimeZoneName = SUBSTRING(@csTimeZoneName, CHARINDEX(':', @csTimeZoneName, CHARINDEX(':', @csTimeZoneName, 0) + 1) + 1, 255) END IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tempUserNotLoggedIn') is not null DROP TABLE #tempUserNotLoggedIn CREATE TABLE #tempUserNotLoggedIn (UserId INT ,UserName nvarchar(max),lastLogInTime DATETIME) INSERT INTO #tempUserNotLoggedIn SELECT id AS 'id' ,login AS 'login', dbo.UTCToLocalTime(dbo.GetDateTime(lastLogInTime ), @csTimeZoneName) FROM UMUsers (NOLOCK) WHERE id > 0 AND lastLogInTime < (@nowTime - (30 * 24 * 60 * 60)) AND flags & (CAST (0x200 AS INT) | CAST (0x004 AS INT) | CAST (0x080 AS INT) | CAST(0x100 AS INT) | CAST(0x800 AS INT)) = 0 AND enabled = 1 SET @result = (SELECT UserId as '@Id' , UserName as '@UserName',lastLogInTime as '@lastLogInTime' from #tempUserNotLoggedIn for XML path ('UserNotLoggedIn')) IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tempUserNotLoggedIn') is not null DROP TABLE #tempUserNotLoggedIn SET @UserNotLoggedIn = ( SELECT @result FOR XML PATH ('UserNotLoggedInDetails')) ----------------------------User Group With No Association------------------------------- IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc') is not null DROP TABLE #tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc CREATE TABLE #tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc (UserGroupId INT ,UserGroupName nvarchar(max),flags INT) IF (@csReleaseId = 16 AND @csHighestSP >= 10) OR (@csReleaseId > 16) BEGIN IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#associations') is not null DROP TABLE #associations create table #associations (userOrGroupId int) INSERT INTO #associations SELECT userOrGroupId FROM UMSecurityAssociations Sec WHERE isUser = 0 UNION SELECT userOrGroupId FROM UMOwners O WHERE isUser = 0 DECLARE @str1 nvarchar (max) = ' INSERT INTO #tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc SELECT ,CASE WHEN > 0 AND P.domainName IS NOT NULL THEN P.domainName + ''\'' + ELSE END AS UserGroup,1 FROM UMGroups UG (NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOIN UMDSProviders P (NOLOCK) ON UG.umdsProviderId = WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM( SELECT userOrGroupId FROM #associations INTERSECT (SELECT UNION SELECT umgroupId FROM UMDSGroupMaps WHERE DirectAndInheritedAssociations ) = 0 AND ( UG.umdsProviderId = 0 OR UG.groupFlags & 1 <> 0 ) AND NOT IN (''CV_Restricted_Visibility'', ''View All'') ' EXEC sp_executesql @str1 END -----------------------------------------User groups with no users-------------------- IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tempUserGroupWithoutUser') is not null DROP TABLE #tempUserGroupWithoutUser CREATE TABLE #tempUserGroupWithoutUser (UserGroupId INT ,UserGroupName nvarchar(max)) IF (@csReleaseId >= 16 AND @csHighestSP >= 10) BEGIN DECLARE @str nvarchar (max) = ' INSERT INTO #tempUserGroupWithoutUser SELECT ,CASE WHEN > 0 AND P.domainName IS NOT NULL THEN P.domainName + ''\'' + ELSE END AS UserGroup FROM UMGroups UG (NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOIN UMDSProviders P ON UG.umdsProviderId = WHERE NOT IN ( SELECT groupId FROM UMUserGroup UNION SELECT umGroupId FROM UMDSGroupMaps ) AND ( UG.groupFlags & 1 <> 0 ) AND NOT IN (''CV_Restricted_Visibility'', ''View All'') UPDATE #tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc SET flags = 3 where UserGroupId IN (select UserGroupId from #tempUserGroupWithoutUser) INSERT INTO #tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc select T.UserGroupId , T.UserGroupName,2 from #tempUserGroupWithoutUser T LEFT OUTER JOIN #tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc U ON T.UserGroupId = U.UserGroupId where U.UserGroupId IS NULL' EXEC sp_executesql @str END SET @result = (SELECT UserGroupId as '@UserGroupId' , UserGroupName as '@UserGroupName',flags AS '@Flags' from #tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc for XML path ('UserGroupWithoutUser')) IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tempUserGroupWithoutUser') is not null DROP TABLE #tempUserGroupWithoutUser IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc') is not null DROP TABLE #tempUserGroupWithoutAssoc SET @UserGroupWithNoUser = ( SELECT @result FOR XML PATH ('UserGroupWithoutAssocUser')) -----------------------Alerts--------------------------------------------------------------- IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#AlertSubScriptions') is not null DROP TABLE #AlertSubScriptions CREATE TABLE #AlertSubScriptions (Id INT ,AlertName nvarchar(1024)) IF OBJECT_ID('NTAlertSubScriptions', 'U') IS NOT NULL INSERT INTO #AlertSubScriptions SELECT , NTnotificationRule.notificationName FROM NTnotificationRule INNER JOIN NTAlertSubScriptions ON NTAlertSubScriptions.ntRuleId = INNER JOIN UMUsers ON = NTAlertSubScriptions.userId WHERE (UMUsers.flags & 1 ) = 1 IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tempAlertsWithoutuser') is not null DROP TABLE #tempAlertsWithoutuser CREATE TABLE #tempAlertsWithoutuser (Id INT ,AlertName nvarchar(1024)) INSERT INTO #tempAlertsWithoutuser SELECT , NTnotificationRule.notificationName FROM NTnotificationRule WHERE revision = 1 AND (status &2 ) <>2 AND (status & 1) <> 1 EXCEPT( SELECT , NTnotificationRule.notificationName FROM NTnotificationRule INNER JOIN NTnotificationExternalGroups ON NTnotificationExternalGroups.NTnotificationID = INNER JOIN UMGroups ON = NTnotificationExternalGroups.externalGroupId WHERE (UMGroups.groupFlags & 1) = 1 UNION -- Take all alert with atleast one valid user through usergroups. -- SELECT , NTnotificationRule.notificationName FROM NTnotificationRule INNER JOIN NTnotificationGroups ON NTnotificationGroups.NTnotificationID = LEFT OUTER JOIN UMGroups ON = NTnotificationGroups.groupId LEFT OUTER JOIN UMDSGroupMaps ON UMDSGroupMaps.umgroupid = NTnotificationGroups.groupId INNER JOIN UMUserGroup ON UMUserGroup.groupId = OR UMUserGroup.groupId = UMDSGroupMaps.umDSgroupid INNER JOIN UMUsers ON UMUserGroup.userId = WHERE (UMGroups.groupFlags & 1) = 1 AND (UMUsers.flags & 1 ) = 1 -- Take all alert with atleast one valid user associated normally -- UNION SELECT , NTnotificationRule.notificationName FROM NTnotificationRule INNER JOIN NTnotificationUsers ON NTnotificationUsers.NTnotificationID = INNER JOIN UMUsers ON = NTnotificationUsers.userId WHERE (UMUsers.flags & 1 ) = 1 --- Remove all subscription based alert if atleast one user subscribe it -- UNION SELECT Id, AlertName FROM #AlertSubScriptions UNION --- Remove alert if atleast one non galaxy users are present -- SELECT , NTnotificationRule.notificationName FROM NTnotificationRule INNER JOIN NTnotificationNonGalaxyUsers ON NTnotificationNonGalaxyUsers.NTnotificationID = ) SET @result = (SELECT Id as '@AlertId' , AlertName as '@AlertName' from #tempAlertsWithoutuser for XML path ('AlertsWithoutUser')) IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#AlertSubScriptions') is not null DROP TABLE #AlertSubScriptions IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tempAlertsWithoutuser') is not null DROP TABLE #tempAlertsWithoutuser SET @AlertsWithoutuser = ( SELECT @result FOR XML PATH ('AlertsWithoutUserDetails')) --------------------------------------------------------------- SET @surveyXML = ( SELECT 1 as '@flag', @UserNotLoggedIn,@UserGroupWithNoUser,@AlertsWithoutuser FOR XML PATH('SecurityCleanup')) DECLARE @EndTime AS BIGINT = dbo.GetUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) --select cast(@surveyXML as XML) SET @outputXML = ( SELECT @queryId AS '@QueryId', @EndTime AS '@LogDate', (@EndTime - @LogDate) AS '@QueryRunningTime', @surveyXML FOR XML PATH('Rpt_CSSXMLDATA') ) SET NOCOUNT OFF