SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ErrorTag nvarchar(20) = '###ERROR###'; DECLARE @WarningTag nvarchar(20) = '###WARNING###'; DECLARE @AdviceTag nvarchar(20) = '###ADVICE###'; DECLARE @HeaderTag nvarchar(20) = '###HEADER###'; DECLARE @DataTag nvarchar(20) = '###DATA###'; DECLARE @DescTag nvarchar(20) = '###DESCRIPTION###'; PRINT @DescTag + ' Confirm absence of shared index cache'; DECLARE @maSharedIndex nvarchar(max); DECLARE @maUncPath nvarchar(max); DECLARE @maIIC nvarchar(max); DECLARE @maICS nvarchar(max); DECLARE @maLongPath nvarchar(max); SELECT @maSharedIndex = CASE WHEN IP.IsShared > 0 THEN COALESCE(@maSharedIndex + ', ', '') + ELSE @maSharedIndex END, @maUncPath = CASE WHEN IA.Path LIKE '\\%' THEN COALESCE(@maUncPath + ', ', '') + ELSE @maUncPath END, @maIIC = CASE WHEN IA.Flags & 1 <> 0 THEN COALESCE(@maIIC + ', ', '') + ELSE @maIIC END, @maICS = CASE WHEN IC.CatalogServerClientId > 0 THEN COALESCE(@maICS + ', ', '') + ELSE @maICS END, @maLongPath = CASE WHEN LEN(IA.Path) > 75 THEN COALESCE(@maLongPath + ', ', '') + ELSE @maLongPath END FROM APP_Client C WITH (NOLOCK), IdxAccessPath IA WITH (NOLOCK), IdxCache IC WITH (NOLOCK), IdxPool IP WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE = IA.clientId AND IA.IdxCacheId = IC.IdxCacheId AND IC.IdxPoolId = IP.IdxPoolId AND > 1 AND IC.IdxCacheType = 1; DECLARE @errorCode int = 0; -- shared index IF @maSharedIndex <> '' BEGIN PRINT @ErrorTag + ' Shared index cache support is deprecated.'; PRINT @AdviceTag + ' Move all index cache directories on [' + @maSharedIndex + '] to local drives and resume the upgrade.'; SET @errorCode = 1; END -- UNC index IF @maUncPath <> '' BEGIN PRINT @ErrorTag + ' Support of UNC path for index cache is deprecated.'; PRINT @AdviceTag + ' Move all index cache directories on [' + @maUncPath + '] to local drives and resume the upgrade.'; SET @errorCode = 1; END -- intermediate index IF @maIIC <> '' BEGIN PRINT @ErrorTag + ' Support of Intermediate index cache is deprecated.'; PRINT @AdviceTag + ' Move all index cache directories on [' + @maIIC + '] to local drives and resume the upgrade.'; SET @errorCode = 1; END -- catalog server IF @maICS <> '' BEGIN PRINT @ErrorTag + ' Support of ICS is deprecated.'; PRINT @AdviceTag + ' Move all index cache directories on [' + @maICS + '] to local drives, disable ICS and then resume the upgrade.'; SET @errorCode = 1; END -- long index path IF @maLongPath <> '' BEGIN PRINT @ErrorTag + ' Index path should be less than 75 characters long.'; PRINT @AdviceTag + ' Change the index cache on [' + @maLongPath + '] to a directory path shorter than 75 characters.'; SET @errorCode = 1; END ERROR_EXIT: IF @errorCode <> 0 SELECT 2; ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Check for absence of shared index cache succeeded.'; SELECT 0; END RETURN