-- Block DB Upgrade if CS has any 8.0 style firewall configuration files and warn if clients are still using 8.0 style firewall configuration files SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ErrorTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @ErrorTag = '###ERROR###' DECLARE @WarningTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @WarningTag = '###WARNING###' DECLARE @AdviceTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @AdviceTag = '###ADVICE###' DECLARE @HeaderTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @HeaderTag = '###HEADER###' DECLARE @DataTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @DataTag = '###DATA###' DECLARE @DescTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @DescTag = '###DESCRIPTION###' DECLARE @colSeperator NVARCHAR(20) SET @colSeperator = ':,:' DECLARE @ScriptName NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @errorCode INT DECLARE @openCurFlag INT DECLARE @clientName NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @clientId INT DECLARE @clientPlatform INT DECLARE @oldStyleClients INT DECLARE @retCode INT DECLARE @failUpgrade INT SET @ScriptName = 'Old style firewall configuration check: ' SET @errorCode = 0 SET @openCurFlag = 0 SET @retCode = 0 SET @failUpgrade = 0 PRINT @DescTag + ' Check if clients are using 8.0 style firewall configration files ' --Below query checks if there are any clients using old (8.0) style firewall configuration files. --This causes the CommServe upgrade to fail if Commserver is using old style firewall configuration files. --It just warns if a client is using a old style firewall configuration files DECLARE oldStyleFWClients CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT DISTINCT C.id, C.name, sum(P.platformType) as platformType FROM App_Client C, APP_ClientProp prop, APP_Platform p WHERE prop.attrName='Using Old FW Config' AND prop.attrVal = '1' AND prop.componentNameId = C.id AND C.id = P.clientId AND ((C.status & 2) <> 2) -- CV_STATUS_UNINSTALLED (Ignore deconfigured clients) GROUP BY C.id, C.name ORDER BY platformType DESC SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT SET @openCurFlag = 1 SET @oldStyleClients = 0 OPEN oldStyleFWClients FETCH NEXT FROM oldStyleFWClients INTO @clientId, @clientName, @clientPlatform SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF (@clientPlatform & 3) > 0 BEGIN if @failUpgrade = 0 BEGIN PRINT @ErrorTag + ' Detected Version 8 firewall configuration files (FwPeers.txt, FwHosts.txt and FwPorts.txt) on the CommServe/MediaAgent computer.' PRINT @AdviceTag + ' You must upgrade the firewall configuration to Version 10 firewall on the CommServe computer. After the upgrade, delete the Version 8 firewall configuration files and restart services on the CommServe/MediaAgent computer.' PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Client Name' SET @failUpgrade = 1 END END ELSE BEGIN IF @oldStyleClients = 0 BEGIN PRINT @WarningTag + ' Detected Version 8 firewall configuration files (FwPeers.txt, FwHosts.txt and FwPorts.txt) on the following Clients. After the CommServe upgrade, communication with these clients might fail.' PRINT @AdviceTag + ' You must upgrade the firewall configuration to Version 10 firewall on the client computers.' PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Client Name' SET @oldStyleClients = 1 END END PRINT @DataTag + @clientName SET @retCode = 1 FETCH NEXT FROM oldStyleFWClients INTO @clientId, @clientName, @clientPlatform SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END IF EXISTS( SELECT DISTINCT C.name FROM App_Client C, APP_Platform P WHERE releaseId = 14 AND ((C.status & 2) <> 2) AND C.id = P.clientId AND p.platformType = 2) BEGIN PRINT @WarningTag + ' Detected V9 Media Agent(s)' PRINT @AdviceTag + ' Make sure V9 Media Agents are configured to use new style firewall configuration, . If there are old V8 style firewall configuration files, delete the files (FwHosts.txt, FwPeers.txt, FwPorts.txt ) and restart Commvault services.' SET @retCode = 1 END CX_EXIT: IF @openCurFlag > 0 BEGIN CLOSE oldStyleFWClients DEALLOCATE oldStyleFWClients END IF @errorCode != 0 OR @failUpgrade != 0 BEGIN IF @errorCode != 0 PRINT @ScriptName + 'failed with SQL Error [' + CAST(@errorCode AS VARCHAR(20)) + ']' SELECT 2 END ELSE BEGIN PRINT @ScriptName + 'passed' SELECT @retCode END RETURN