SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ErrorTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @ErrorTag = '###ERROR###' DECLARE @WarningTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @WarningTag = '###WARNING###' DECLARE @AdviceTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @AdviceTag = '###ADVICE###' DECLARE @HeaderTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @HeaderTag = '###HEADER###' DECLARE @DataTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @DataTag = '###DATA###' DECLARE @DescTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @DescTag = '###DESCRIPTION###' DECLARE @colSeperator NVARCHAR(20) SET @colSeperator = ':,:' DECLARE @SPNameWithWarningLimitCurFlag INTEGER SET @SPNameWithWarningLimitCurFlag = 0 DECLARE @SPNameWithUpperLimitCurFlag INTEGER SET @SPNameWithUpperLimitCurFlag = 0 DECLARE @SPCountWithWarningLimit INTEGER SET @SPCountWithWarningLimit = 0 DECLARE @SPCountWithUpperLimit INTEGER SET @SPCountWithUpperLimit = 0 DECLARE @DDBCount INTEGER SET @DDBCount = 0 -- Max allowed primary records = 1 Billion DECLARE @MaxAllowed BIGINT SET @MaxAllowed = 1000000000 -- Warning limit that will fail subclient association [>= 60% of @MaxAllowed] DECLARE @warningLimit INTEGER SET @warningLimit = 60 -- Upper limit that will fail backups to DDB [>= 90% of @MaxAllowed] DECLARE @upperLimit INTEGER SET @upperLimit = 90 DECLARE @errorCode INTEGER SET @errorCode = 0 DECLARE @retCode INTEGER SET @retCode = 0 DECLARE @SPName NVARCHAR(510) DECLARE @output NVARCHAR(MAX) IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#SPWithPrimaryCopyStore') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore CREATE TABLE #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore ( archGrpCopyId INTEGER, archGrpId INTEGER, archGroupName NVARCHAR(510), SIDBStoreId INTEGER, commCellId INTEGER, primaryRecCount BIGINT ) CREATE INDEX Idx_SPWithPrimaryCopyStore_1 ON #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore (SIDBStoreId, commCellId) PRINT @DescTag + ' Check for Deduplication DB primary records count' IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[IdxSIDBUsageHistory2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTable') = 1) BEGIN --Get all active SIDB stores of primary copies except primary copy of GDSP INSERT INTO #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore SELECT DISTINCT,,, AGC.SIDBStoreId, 2, 0 FROM archGroupCopy AGC WITH (NOLOCK), archGroup AG WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE AGC.archGroupId = AND = AG.defaultCopy AND AGC.SIDBStoreId > 0 AND AGC.flags & 268435456 = 0 --GDSP Primary Copy SELECT @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT ;WITH SIDB_REC_CNT AS ( SELECT UH.SIDBStoreId, UH.SubStoreId, UH.commCellId, UH.modifiedTime, UH.primaryEntries, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY UH.SIDBStoreId, UH.SubStoreId, UH.commCellId ORDER BY UH.modifiedTime DESC) AS rowNumber FROM IdxSIDBUsageHistory2 UH WITH (NOLOCK), #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore T WHERE UH.SIDBStoreId = T.SIDBStoreId AND UH.commCellId = T.commCellId ) UPDATE #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore SET primaryRecCount = TT.primaryEntries FROM #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore T, ( SELECT SIDBStoreId, commCellId, MAX(primaryEntries) AS primaryEntries FROM SIDB_REC_CNT WHERE rowNumber = 1 GROUP BY SIDBStoreId, commCellId) TT WHERE T.SIDBStoreId = TT.SIDBStoreId AND T.commCellId = TT.commCellId SELECT @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END ELSE BEGIN SET @retCode = 0 PRINT 'Deduplication DB primary records count information is not available. Skipping the check.' GOTO CX_EXIT END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore WHERE primaryRecCount >= (@MaxAllowed * @warningLimit / 100)) BEGIN SET @retCode = 1 --Print Warning SET @output = @WarningTag + ' In order to achieve optimal performance for backups and disk pruning, it is advisable to adhere to the prescribed scale limits. ' SET @output = @output + 'If size of the Deduplication DB exceeds the specifications, there may be delays in pruning, resulting in low disk space on disk libraries ' SET @output = @output + 'as well as performance penalties during backup. Version 10 has automated checks to detect this condition and warn you in timely fashion.' SET @output = @output + CHAR(10) SET @output = @output + '' SET @output = @output + CHAR(10) PRINT @output END ELSE BEGIN SET @retCode = 0 PRINT 'No Deduplication DB found with primary records count greater than 60 percent size of recommended capacity.' GOTO CX_EXIT END --GET DDB Count and SP Count with primary records exceeding @warningLimit of @MaxAllowed SELECT @DDBCount = COUNT(DISTINCT SIDBStoreId), @SPCountWithWarningLimit = COUNT(DISTINCT archGrpId) FROM #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore WHERE primaryRecCount >= (@MaxAllowed * @warningLimit / 100) AND primaryRecCount < (@MaxAllowed * @upperLimit / 100) SELECT @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT --If Deduplication DB found that reached the @warningLimit on Primary Records IF @SPCountWithWarningLimit > 0 BEGIN --Print Warning SET @output = @WarningTag + ' Currently there are [' + CAST(@DDBCount AS VARCHAR(10)) + '] Deduplication DBs at more than 60 percent size of recommended capacity. ' SET @output = @output + 'After the upgrade, addition of new subclients will be prevented for [' + CAST(@SPCountWithWarningLimit AS VARCHAR(10)) + '] Storage Policies below ' SET @output = @output + 'that use these specific Deduplication DBs, to prevent the above situation. ' SET @output = @output + CHAR(10) + 'Note that the current subclients that point to all of these Storage Policies will continue to perform backups and pruning using the current Deduplication DB.' SET @output = @output + CHAR(10) PRINT @output --Print Header PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Storage Policies' PRINT '-------------------------------' DECLARE SPNameWithWarningLimitCur CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT DISTINCT archGroupName FROM #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore WHERE primaryRecCount >= (@MaxAllowed * @warningLimit / 100) AND primaryRecCount < (@MaxAllowed * @upperLimit / 100) SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT SET @SPNameWithWarningLimitCurFlag = 1 OPEN SPNameWithWarningLimitCur SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT FETCH NEXT FROM SPNameWithWarningLimitCur INTO @SPName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT @DataTag + ' ' + @SPName FETCH NEXT FROM SPNameWithWarningLimitCur INTO @SPName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END --Print Advice SET @output = CHAR(10) + @AdviceTag + ' In order to add new subclients for backups, you will have to create new Storage Policies with new Deduplication DBs - ' SET @output = @output + 'Please refer to Deduplication Building Block Guide in the product Documentation for more details on the configuration of Deduplication DBs for best performance.' SET @output = @output + CHAR(10) PRINT @output END --GET DDB Count and SP Count with primary records >= @upperLimit of @MaxAllowed SELECT @DDBCount = COUNT(DISTINCT SIDBStoreId), @SPCountWithUpperLimit = COUNT(DISTINCT archGrpId) FROM #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore WHERE primaryRecCount >= (@MaxAllowed * @upperLimit / 100) SELECT @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT --If Deduplication DB found that reached the @upperLimit on Primary Records IF @SPCountWithUpperLimit > 0 BEGIN --Print Warning SET @output = @WarningTag + ' Currently there are [' + CAST(@DDBCount AS VARCHAR(10)) + '] Deduplication DBs at size more than the recommended capacity. ' SET @output = @output + 'After the upgrade, all backups will be prevented for [' + CAST(@SPCountWithUpperLimit AS VARCHAR(10)) + '] Storage Policies below and only pruning will be allowed. ' SET @output = @output + 'Once pruning reduces the size of the Deduplication DBs, new backups will be allowed on these Storage policies. ' SET @output = @output + CHAR(10) PRINT @output --Print Header PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Storage Policies' PRINT '-------------------------------' DECLARE SPNameWithUpperLimitCur CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT DISTINCT archGroupName FROM #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore WHERE primaryRecCount >= (@MaxAllowed * @upperLimit / 100) SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT SET @SPNameWithUpperLimitCurFlag = 1 OPEN SPNameWithUpperLimitCur SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT FETCH NEXT FROM SPNameWithUpperLimitCur INTO @SPName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT @DataTag + ' ' + @SPName FETCH NEXT FROM SPNameWithUpperLimitCur INTO @SPName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END --Print Advice SET @output = CHAR(10) + @AdviceTag + ' Please create new Storage Policies with new Deduplication DBs and re-associate some of the subclients from the affected Storage Policies – ' SET @output = @output + 'Please refer to Deduplication Building Block Guide in the product Documentation for more details on the configuration of Deduplication DBs for best performance.' SET @output = @output + CHAR(10) PRINT @output END CX_EXIT: IF @SPNameWithWarningLimitCurFlag = 1 BEGIN CLOSE SPNameWithWarningLimitCur DEALLOCATE SPNameWithWarningLimitCur END IF @SPNameWithUpperLimitCurFlag = 1 BEGIN CLOSE SPNameWithUpperLimitCur DEALLOCATE SPNameWithUpperLimitCur END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#SPWithPrimaryCopyStore') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SPWithPrimaryCopyStore IF @errorCode != 0 SELECT 2 ELSE SELECT @retCode RETURN