SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ErrorTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @ErrorTag = '###ERROR###' DECLARE @WarningTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @WarningTag = '###WARNING###' DECLARE @AdviceTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @AdviceTag = '###ADVICE###' DECLARE @HeaderTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @HeaderTag = '###HEADER###' DECLARE @DataTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @DataTag = '###DATA###' DECLARE @DescTag NVARCHAR(20) SET @DescTag = '###DESCRIPTION###' DECLARE @colSeperator NVARCHAR(20) SET @colSeperator = ':,:' PRINT @DescTag + ' Check for Deduplication Store or Mount path configured on the MediaAgent installation directory' DECLARE @errorCode INTEGER SET @errorCode = 0 DECLARE @retStatus INTEGER SET @retStatus = 0 DECLARE @tblAllMAs table(MAId int, installDir nvarchar(255), pathSeparator char(1), isConfigured int, clientName nvarchar(255)) INSERT INTO @tblAllMAs SELECT MA.clientId, PL.install_dir, CASE WHEN LEFT(PL.install_dir,1) = '/' THEN '/' ELSE '\' END, 0, FROM MMHost MA WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN App_Platform PL WITH(NOLOCK) ON MA.clientId = PL.clientId AND PL.platformType = 2 /*MA platform*/ INNER JOIN App_Client CL ON CL.Id = MA.clientId SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT UPDATE @tblAllMAs SET installDir = installDir + CASE WHEN RIGHT(installDir, 1) = pathSeparator THEN '%' ELSE pathSeparator + '%' END SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT UPDATE @tblAllMAs SET isConfigured = isConfigured | 1 FROM IdxAccessPath IdxPath WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN IdxSIDBStore Store WITH(NOLOCK) ON IdxPath.IdxAccessPathId = Store.IdxAccessPathId INNER JOIN @tblAllMAs MA ON MA.MAId = IdxPath.clientId WHERE IdxPath.path like MA.installDir SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT UPDATE @tblAllMAs SET isConfigured = isConfigured | 2 FROM MMDeviceController dev WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN @tblAllMAs MA ON MA.MAId = dev.clientId WHERE dev.folder like MA.installDir SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT UPDATE @tblAllMAs SET isConfigured = isConfigured | 2 FROM MMMountPath MP WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN MMDrivePool DP WITH(NOLOCK) ON DP.MasterPoolId = MP.MasterPoolId INNER JOIN @tblAllMAs MA ON MA.MAId = DP.clientId WHERE MountPathName like MA.installDir SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT DELETE @tblAllMAS where isConfigured = 0 SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT DECLARE @clientName nvarchar(255) IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @tblAllMAs) BEGIN PRINT 'No MediaAgents have deduplication store or mount path configured on the installation directory' SET @retStatus = 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END ELSE IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @tblAllMAs WHERE MAId = 2) --CS MA is not affected just throw warning SET @retStatus = 1 ELSE SET @retStatus = 2 IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @tblAllMAs WHERE isConfigured = 1) BEGIN DECLARE @output_1 nvarchar(max) SET @output_1 = char(10) + CASE WHEN @retStatus = 2 THEN @ErrorTag ELSE @WarningTag END + ' : Deduplication Store is configured on the MediaAgent installation directory.' + char(10) + @AdviceTag + ' Move the store to a new location.' + char(10) + char(10) + @HeaderTag + ' Deduplication Store is configured on the installation directory of the following computers' + char(10) + '---------------------------' + char(10) PRINT @output_1 DECLARE CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR CURSOR FOR SELECT clientName FROM @tblAllMAs WHERE isConfigured = 1 OPEN CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR FETCH NEXT FROM CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR INTO @clientName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN PRINT @DataTag + ' ' + @clientName FETCH NEXT FROM CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR INTO @clientName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END CLOSE CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR DEALLOCATE CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR END IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @tblAllMAs WHERE isConfigured = 2) BEGIN DECLARE @output_2 nvarchar(max) SET @output_2 = char(10) + CASE WHEN @retStatus = 2 THEN @ErrorTag ELSE @WarningTag END + ' : Disk library mount path is configured on the MediaAgent installation directory.' + char(10) + @AdviceTag + ' Change the mount path location and move the contents.' + char(10) + char(10) + @HeaderTag + ' Mount path is configured on the installation directory of the following computers' + char(10) + '---------------------------' + char(10) PRINT @output_2 DECLARE CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR CURSOR FOR SELECT clientName FROM @tblAllMAs WHERE isConfigured = 2 OPEN CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR FETCH NEXT FROM CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR INTO @clientName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN PRINT @DataTag + ' ' + @clientName FETCH NEXT FROM CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR INTO @clientName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END CLOSE CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR DEALLOCATE CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR END IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @tblAllMAs WHERE isConfigured = 3) BEGIN DECLARE @output_3 nvarchar(max) SET @output_3 = char(10) + CASE WHEN @retStatus = 2 THEN @ErrorTag ELSE @WarningTag END + ' : Deduplication Store and Disk library Mount path are configured on the MediaAgent installation directory.' + char(10) + @AdviceTag + ' Change the mount path location, move the contents, and then move the deduplication store to a new location.' + char(10) + char(10) + @HeaderTag + ' Deduplication Store and Mount path are configured on the installation directory of the following computers' + char(10) + '---------------------------' + char(10) PRINT @output_3 DECLARE CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR CURSOR FOR SELECT clientName FROM @tblAllMAs WHERE isConfigured = 3 OPEN CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR FETCH NEXT FROM CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR INTO @clientName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN PRINT @DataTag + ' ' + @clientName FETCH NEXT FROM CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR INTO @clientName SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END CLOSE CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR DEALLOCATE CLIENT_LIST_CURSOR END CX_EXIT: IF(@errorCode != 0) SELECT 2 ELSE SELECT @retStatus RETURN