SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ScriptName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @ErrorTag NVARCHAR(20) DECLARE @WarningTag NVARCHAR(20) DECLARE @AdviceTag NVARCHAR(20) DECLARE @HeaderTag NVARCHAR(20) DECLARE @DataTag NVARCHAR(20) DECLARE @DescTag NVARCHAR(20) DECLARE @colSeperator NVARCHAR(20) DECLARE @retCode INT DECLARE @errorCode INT DECLARE @openCurFlag INT DECLARE @agentStatusToSkip INT DECLARE @CSPkgCnt INT DECLARE @clientErrCnt INT DECLARE @clientPkgImmUpgCnt INT DECLARE @clientPkgDelayCnt INT DECLARE @clientPkgDepratedCnt INT DECLARE @clientImagePkgCnt INT DECLARE @client1TouchPkgCnt INT DECLARE @clientDAPkgCnt INT DECLARE @pkgType INT DECLARE @clientId INT DECLARE @clientName NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @packageName NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @release NVARCHAR(64) DECLARE @ArchAgentWarning NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @ScriptName = 'Deprecated package check: ' SET @ErrorTag = '###ERROR###' SET @WarningTag = '###WARNING###' SET @AdviceTag = '###ADVICE###' SET @HeaderTag = '###HEADER###' SET @DataTag = '###DATA###' SET @DescTag = '###DESCRIPTION###' SET @colSeperator = ':,:' SET @retCode = 0 SET @errorCode = 0 SET @openCurFlag = 0 SET @CSPkgCnt = 0 SET @clientErrCnt = 0 SET @clientPkgImmUpgCnt = 0 SET @clientPkgDelayCnt = 0 SET @clientPkgDepratedCnt = 0 SET @clientImagePkgCnt = 0 SET @client1TouchPkgCnt = 0 SET @clientDAPkgCnt = 0 SET @agentStatusToSkip = 20 SET @ArchAgentWarning = 'After upgrading to version 11, you can use this agent to recover data, but you cannot use it to archive data. To archive data, use the appropriate OnePass agent. For more information about OnePass agents, refer to the Documentation site.' PRINT @DescTag + ' Check for deprecated packages' -- t_type: 1 - immediate upgrade; 2 - delay upgrade; 3 - soft deprecated; 4 - hard deprecated; 5 - DA; 6 - ImageLevel; 7 - 1TouchServer DECLARE @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage TABLE (t_clientId INT, t_packageId INT, t_client NVARCHAR(1024), t_package NVARCHAR(1024), t_type INT) DECLARE @clientsNotupgradable TABLE (t_id int, t_client NVARCHAR(1024), t_packages NVARCHAR(1024), t_type INT) DECLARE @CSArchPkgs TABLE (t_packageId INT, t_package NVARCHAR(1024), t_status INT) INSERT INTO @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage SELECT *, 1 FROM tmpClientWithWebServerClient UNION SELECT *, 2 FROM tmpClientWithDelayUpgradeAgents UNION SELECT t_clientId, t_packageId, t_client, t_package, 3 FROM tmpClientWithSoftDeprecatedPackages WHERE t_type = 'SIM_PKG_NOT_SUPPORT_UPGRADE' UNION SELECT t_clientId, t_packageId, t_client, t_package, 4 FROM tmpClientWithHardDeprecatedPackages UNION SELECT t_clientId, t_packageId, t_client, t_package, 5 FROM tmpClientWithSoftDeprecatedPackages WHERE t_type = 'ClassicArchivingAgent' UNION SELECT t_clientId, t_packageId, t_client, t_package, 6 FROM tmpClientWithSoftDeprecatedPackages WHERE t_type = 'ImageLevelAgent' UNION SELECT t_clientId, t_packageId, t_client, t_package, 7 FROM tmpClientWithSoftDeprecatedPackages WHERE t_type = '1TouchServer' SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT -- Not allow CS upgrade if CS has active archiver agents INSERT INTO @CSArchPkgs SELECT t_packageId, t_package, A.status FROM @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage, APP_iDAName A, simPackageMap M WHERE t_clientId = 2 AND t_type = 5 AND t_clientId = A.clientID AND t_packageId = M.simPackageID AND A.appTypeId = M.appType SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT SET @packageName = ISNULL( ( SELECT '[' + t_package + '] ' FROM @CSArchPkgs WHERE (t_status & 2) = 0 FOR XML PATH('')), '') IF LEN(@packageName) > 0 BEGIN SET @retCode = 2 PRINT @ErrorTag + 'Commserver has deprecated archiver package installed. To upgrade Commserver to version 11, you will need to release license for the deprecated package. ' + @ArchAgentWarning PRINT @HeaderTag + 'Package(s)' PRINT @DataTag + @packageName END SET @packageName = ISNULL( ( SELECT '[' + t_package + '] ' FROM @CSArchPkgs WHERE (t_status & 2) > 0 FOR XML PATH('')), '') IF LEN(@packageName) > 0 BEGIN PRINT @WarningTag + 'Commserver has deprecated archiver packages installed. ' + @ArchAgentWarning PRINT @HeaderTag + 'Package(s)' PRINT @DataTag + @packageName END -- Not allow CS upgrade if CS has clients with both immediate upgrade packages & soft deprecated/delay upgrade packages installed INSERT INTO @clientsNotupgradable SELECT t_clientId, t_client, t_package, 1 FROM @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage T1 WHERE t_clientId > 2 AND t_type = 1 AND EXISTS (select * from @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage T2 where T1.t_clientId = T2.t_clientId and T2.t_type IN (2, 3)) SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT -- Not allow CS upgrade if CS has clients with hard deprecated packages INSERT INTO @clientsNotupgradable SELECT t_clientId, t_client, t_package, 2 FROM @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage WHERE t_clientId > 2 AND t_type = 4 SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT UPDATE @clientsNotupgradable SET t_packages = ISNULL( ( SELECT '[' + t_package + '] ' FROM @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage WHERE t_id = t_clientId and t_type IN (2, 3) FOR XML PATH('')), '') WHERE t_type = 1 SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT UPDATE @clientsNotupgradable SET t_packages = ISNULL( ( SELECT '[' + t_package + '] ' FROM @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage WHERE t_id = t_clientId and t_type = 4 FOR XML PATH('')), '') WHERE t_type = 2 SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT -- Not allow CS upgrade if CS has deprecated or delay upgraded packages installed INSERT INTO @clientsNotupgradable SELECT t_clientId, t_client, t_package, 0 FROM @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage WHERE t_clientId = 2 AND t_type IN (2, 3, 4) SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT DECLARE upgBolckedClientCur CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT DISTINCT t_id, t_client, t_packages, t_type, (select R.release from simAllGalaxyRel R, APP_CLient C where t_id = AND C.releaseId = FROM @clientsNotupgradable ORDER BY t_type, t_client OPEN upgBolckedClientCur SET @openCurFlag = @openCurFlag + 1 FETCH NEXT FROM upgBolckedClientCur INTO @clientId, @clientName, @packageName, @pkgType, @release SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @clientId = 2 BEGIN SET @CSPkgCnt = @CSPkgCnt + 1 IF @CSPkgCnt = 1 BEGIN SET @retCode = 2 PRINT @ErrorTag + ' The CommServe cannot be upgraded because it has deprecated packages or packages that are not yet available for upgrade.' PRINT @AdviceTag + ' Before the upgrade, you must uninstall the packages' + char(13) PRINT @HeaderTag + 'Package(s)' END PRINT @DataTag + @packageName END ELSE IF @pkgType = 1 BEGIN SET @clientErrCnt = @clientErrCnt + 1 IF @clientErrCnt = 1 BEGIN IF @retCode = 0 SET @retCode = 2 PRINT @ErrorTag + ' The following clients which need to be upgraded immediately also have deprecated packages or packages that are not yet available for upgrade.' PRINT @AdviceTag + ' Before the upgrade, you must uninstall the packages' + char(13) PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Client Name' + @colSeperator + 'Release' + @colSeperator + 'Package(s)' END PRINT @DataTag + @clientName + @colSeperator + @release + @colSeperator + @packageName END ELSE IF @pkgType = 2 BEGIN SET @clientPkgDepratedCnt = @clientPkgDepratedCnt + 1 IF @clientPkgDepratedCnt = 1 BEGIN IF @retCode = 0 SET @retCode = 2 PRINT @ErrorTag + ' The following clients have deprecated packages installed and cannot be upgraded.' PRINT @AdviceTag + ' Before the upgrade, you must uninstall the packages' + char(13) PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Client Name' + @colSeperator + 'Release' + @colSeperator + 'Package(s)' END PRINT @DataTag + @clientName + @colSeperator + @release + @colSeperator + @packageName END FETCH NEXT FROM upgBolckedClientCur INTO @clientId, @clientName, @packageName, @pkgType, @release SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END SET @clientPkgDepratedCnt = 0 DECLARE clientWarningCur CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT DISTINCT t_client, ISNULL( ( SELECT '[' + T2.t_package + '] ' FROM @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage T2 WHERE T1.t_clientId = T2.t_clientId and T1.t_type = T2.t_type FOR XML PATH('')), ''), t_type, (select R.release from simAllGalaxyRel R, APP_CLient C where = t_clientId AND C.releaseId = FROM @clientsWithDeprecatedPackage T1 WHERE t_clientId > 2 AND t_clientId NOT IN (select t_id from @clientsNotupgradable) ORDER BY t_type, t_client OPEN clientWarningCur SET @openCurFlag = @openCurFlag + 1 FETCH NEXT FROM clientWarningCur INTO @clientName, @packageName, @pkgType, @release SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @pkgType = 2 BEGIN SET @clientPkgDelayCnt = @clientPkgDelayCnt + 1 IF @clientPkgDelayCnt = 1 BEGIN IF @retCode = 0 SET @retCode = 1 PRINT @WarningTag + ' The following clients have packages that are not yet available for upgrade at this time. Refer to the Documentation for details' PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Client Name' + @colSeperator + 'Release' + @colSeperator + 'Package Name' END END ELSE IF @pkgType = 3 BEGIN SET @clientPkgDepratedCnt = @clientPkgDepratedCnt + 1 IF @clientPkgDepratedCnt = 1 BEGIN IF @retCode = 0 SET @retCode = 1 PRINT @WarningTag + ' The following clients have deprecated packages installed and cannot be upgraded' PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Client Name' + @colSeperator + 'Release' + @colSeperator + 'Package Name' END END ELSE IF @pkgType = 5 BEGIN SET @clientDAPkgCnt = @clientDAPkgCnt + 1 IF @clientDAPkgCnt = 1 BEGIN IF @retCode = 0 SET @retCode = 1 PRINT @WarningTag + 'The following clients have deprecated packages installed. To upgrade this client to version 11, you will need to release license for the deprecated package. ' + @ArchAgentWarning PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Client Name' + @colSeperator + 'Release' + @colSeperator + 'Package Name' END END ELSE IF @pkgType = 6 BEGIN SET @clientImagePkgCnt = @clientImagePkgCnt + 1 IF @clientImagePkgCnt = 1 BEGIN IF @retCode = 0 SET @retCode = 1 PRINT @WarningTag + ' The following clients have deprecated packages installed. After you upgrade to Version 11, you can use the deprecated agent to restore data, but not for backup operations. If you want to back up the data, configure the appropriate file system agent to perform block-level backups. For more information, refer to the Documentation site' PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Client Name' + @colSeperator + 'Release' + @colSeperator + 'Package Name' END END ELSE IF @pkgType = 7 BEGIN SET @client1TouchPkgCnt = @client1TouchPkgCnt + 1 IF @client1TouchPkgCnt = 1 BEGIN IF @retCode = 0 SET @retCode = 1 PRINT @WarningTag + ' 1-Touch upgrades are not supported. In version 11, you do not require the 1-Touch Server to obtain the ISO file for recovery operations. You can download the ISO file from the Cloud Services website.' PRINT @HeaderTag + ' Client Name' + @colSeperator + 'Release' + @colSeperator + 'Package Name' END END IF @pkgType <> 1 PRINT @DataTag + @clientName + @colSeperator + @release + @colSeperator + @packageName FETCH NEXT FROM clientWarningCur INTO @clientName, @packageName, @pkgType, @release SET @errorCode = @@ERROR IF @errorCode != 0 GOTO CX_EXIT END CX_EXIT: IF @openCurFlag > 1 BEGIN CLOSE clientWarningCur DEALLOCATE clientWarningCur END IF @openCurFlag > 0 BEGIN CLOSE upgBolckedClientCur DEALLOCATE upgBolckedClientCur END IF @errorCode != 0 BEGIN PRINT @ScriptName + 'failed' SELECT 2 END ELSE BEGIN IF @retCode = 0 PRINT @ScriptName + 'passed' SELECT @retCode END DROP TABLE tmpClientWithDelayUpgradeAgents DROP TABLE tmpClientWithSoftDeprecatedPackages DROP TABLE tmpClientWithHardDeprecatedPackages RETURN