DECLARE @LogDate AS BIGINT = dbo.GetUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) DECLARE @queryId AS INTEGER = 10265 DECLARE @surveyXML nvarchar(MAX) DECLARE @releaseId integer SET @releaseId = (select releaseId from APP_Client where id = 2) DECLARE @temptbl table ( [Hypervisor Type] nvarchar(max),[Livemount Policy Count] int ) IF @releaseId = 15 OR @releaseId = 16 BEGIN insert into @temptbl EXEC('SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @CSVersion INT = (SELECT releaseId FROM App_Client WHERE id = 2) IF @CSVersion <= 15 BEGIN select HyperVisor as ''Hypervisor Type'', count(distinct as ''Livemount Policy Count'' from ( select distinct, CASE CAST(IP.attrVal AS INT) WHEN 101 THEN ''VMWare'' WHEN 102 THEN ''Hyper V'' WHEN 501 THEN ''RHEV'' END AS HyperVisor FROM App_VmAllocationPolicy p WITH(NOLOCK) inner join SRMVDataCenter VD WITH(NOLOCK) on p.vDataCenterId = and p.alive =1 and VD.removalTimeStamp is NULL and (p.vxml.value(''policy[1]/entity[1]/@policyType'',''int'') in (4,13)) inner join SRMVDataCenterMap Map WITH(NOLOCK) on Map.srmVDataCenterId = inner join APP_InstanceProp IP WITH(NOLOCK) on IP.componentNameId = Map.instanceId and IP.attrName =''Virtual Server Instance Type'' and IP.modified =0 ) T group by HyperVisor END ELSE BEGIN select HyperVisor as ''Hypervisor Type'', count(distinct as ''Livemount Policy Count'' from ( select distinct, CASE CAST(IP.attrVal AS INT) WHEN 101 THEN ''VMWare'' WHEN 102 THEN ''Hyper V'' WHEN 501 THEN ''RHEV'' END AS HyperVisor FROM App_VmAllocationPolicy p WITH(NOLOCK) inner join APP_Application A WITH(NOLOCK) on A.clientId = isnull(p.vxml.value(''policy[1]/dataCenter[1]/instanceEntity[1]/@clientId'',''int''), p.vxml.value(''policy[1]/destinationHyperV[1]/@clientId'',''int'')) AND A.appTypeID = 106 and p.alive =1 and (p.vxml.value(''policy[1]/entity[1]/@policyType'',''int'') in (4,13) OR p.vxml.value(''policy[1]/@isLiveMountEnabled'',''int'') = 1) inner join APP_InstanceProp IP WITH(NOLOCK) on IP.componentNameId = A.instance and IP.attrName =''Virtual Server Instance Type'' and IP.modified =0 ) T group by HyperVisor END ') END SET @surveyXML = ( SELECT ( SELECT [Hypervisor Type] AS '@Col_-2145071453',[Livemount Policy Count] AS '@Col_-923238572' FROM @temptbl FOR XML PATH ('cf_MetricsQuery10265'), type ) FOR XML PATH ('SurveyResults') ) DECLARE @EndTime AS BIGINT = dbo.GetUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) SET @outputXML = (SELECT @queryId AS '@QueryId', @EndTime AS '@LogDate', (@EndTime - @LogDate) AS '@QueryRunningTime', @surveyXML FOR XML PATH('Rpt_CSSXMLDATA'))