DECLARE @LogDate AS BIGINT = dbo.GetUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) DECLARE @queryId AS INTEGER = 10271 DECLARE @surveyXML nvarchar(MAX) DECLARE @temptbl table ( [totalOnePassSubs] int,[totalObjectBasedSubs] int,[totalJobBasedSubs] int,[TotalNoInfiSubs] int,[TotalObjectBasedNoInfiSubs] int,[ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithArchiveInfi] int,[ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithBackupInfi] int,[ObjectBaseBackupOnlyEnableWithBackupInfi] int,[TotalJobBasedNoInfiSubs] int,[jobBaseRetentionInfinityly] int ) BEGIN insert into @temptbl EXEC('SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET NOCOUNT ON; create table #clientInfo(clientId int, IndexVersion int); create table #retentionStatus(clientId int, subclientId int,flag int,Archivedexpirationdays int,Userdeletedstubsexpirationdays int,Daystokeepitemspasttheirexpiration int,BackupRetention int,archiveRention int); --select BackupRetention from #retentionStatus insert into #clientInfo(clientId, IndexVersion) --for client running in v11 or upgrade client after v11 sp7 select, (case when clientprop.attrVal = 1 then 2 else 1 end) as indexstatus from app_client client WITH (NOLOCK), app_clientprop clientProp WITH (NOLOCK) where clientprop.componentNameId and clientprop.attrName = ''IndexingV2'' and clientprop.modified = 0 and client.status&6 = 0 and client.status != 4096 --4096 is laptop client union -- for v1 client before v11 sp7 doesn''t have IndexV2 entry select, 1 as indexstatus from app_client client WITH (NOLOCK) where client.status&6 = 0 and client.status != 4096 --4096 is laptop client and ''IndexingV2'' not in ( select attrName from app_clientprop clientProp WITH (NOLOCK) where = clientProp.componentNameId ); insert into #retentionStatus(clientId,subclientId,flag,Archivedexpirationdays,Userdeletedstubsexpirationdays,Daystokeepitemspasttheirexpiration,BackupRetention,archiveRention) select clientId,subclientid, [Data Migrator Rule Flag], [Archived expiration days] , [User deleted stubs expiration days] , [Days to keep items past their expiration], [Is Backup Retention Mode Enabled], [Is Archive Retention Mode Enabled] from (select as clientid, as subclientid,subclientprop2.attrName as attrName,subclientprop2.attrVal as attrVal from app_client client WITH (NOLOCK), app_subclientprop subclientprop WITH (NOLOCK), app_application application WITH (NOLOCK), app_subclientprop subclientprop2 WITH (NOLOCK) where client.status &6 = 0 and client.status != 4096 --4096 is laptop client and = application.clientid and = subclientprop.componentNameId and subclientprop.attrname=''First Turbo Job Id'' and subclientprop.modified=0 and subclientprop2.componentnameid = and subclientprop2.attrName in (''Data Migrator Rule Flag'', ''Archived expiration days'', ''User deleted stubs expiration days'', ''Days to keep items past their expiration'', ''Is Backup Retention Mode Enabled'', ''Is Archive Retention Mode Enabled'' ) and subclientprop2.modified =0 )temp pivot(max(attrVal) for attrName in ([Data Migrator Rule Flag], [Archived expiration days], [User deleted stubs expiration days], [Days to keep items past their expiration], [Is Backup Retention Mode Enabled], [Is Archive Retention Mode Enabled]) )as maxattr union select clientId,subclientid, [Data Migrator Rule Flag], [Archived expiration days] , [User deleted stubs expiration days] , [Days to keep items past their expiration], [Is Backup Retention Mode Enabled], [Is Archive Retention Mode Enabled] from (select as clientid, as subclientid,subclientprop.attrName as attrName,subclientprop.attrVal as attrVal from app_client client WITH (NOLOCK), app_subclientprop subclientprop WITH (NOLOCK), app_application application WITH (NOLOCK), app_application application2 WITH (NOLOCK), app_subclientprop subclientprop2 WITH (NOLOCK), app_subclientProp subclientprop3 WITH (NOLOCK) where client.status &6 = 0 and client.status != 4096 --4096 is laptop client and application.clientid =2 and = subclientprop.componentNameId -- for subclient policy associate, the retention rules applied on subclient under subclient policy and subclientprop.attrName in (''Data Migrator Rule Flag'', ''Archived expiration days'', ''User deleted stubs expiration days'', ''Days to keep items past their expiration'', ''Is Backup Retention Mode Enabled'', ''Is Archive Retention Mode Enabled'' ) and subclientprop.modified =0 and application.backupset in (select id from APP_BackupSetName where status = 128) and subclientprop2.attrName =''Associated subclient Policy'' -- identify subclient policy associated subclient and subclientprop2.attrVal = and subclientprop2.modified = 0 and subclientprop2.componentNameId = and application2.clientid = and subclientprop3.componentNameId = --First turbo job info will save at be associated subclient and subclientprop3.attrname=''First Turbo Job Id'' and subclientprop3.modified=0 )temp pivot(max(attrVal) for attrName in ([Data Migrator Rule Flag], [Archived expiration days], [User deleted stubs expiration days], [Days to keep items past their expiration], [Is Backup Retention Mode Enabled], [Is Archive Retention Mode Enabled]) ) as maxattr; ----final layout------- select sum(temp.ObjectBasedSubclient + temp.jobBasedSubclinet) as totalOnePassSubs, sum(temp.ObjectBasedSubclient) as totalObjectBasedSubs, sum(temp.jobBasedSubclinet) as totalJobBasedSubs, sum(1-ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithArchiveInfinitly-ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithBackupInfinitly-ObjectBaseBackupEnableWithBackupInfinitly-jobBaseRetentionInfinityly) as TotalNoInfiSubs, sum(temp.ObjectBasedSubclient - temp.ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithArchiveInfinitly -temp.ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithBackupInfinitly) as TotalObjectBasedNoInfiSubs, sum(temp.ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithArchiveInfinitly)as ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithArchiveInfi, sum(temp.ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithBackupInfinitly) as ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithBackupInfi, sum(temp.ObjectBaseBackupEnableWithBackupInfinitly) ObjectBaseBackupOnlyEnableWithBackupInfi, sum(temp.jobBasedSubclinet - temp.jobBaseRetentionInfinityly ) as TotalJobBasedNoInfiSubs, sum(temp.jobBaseRetentionInfinityly) jobBaseRetentionInfinityly from (select b.clientid clientid, (case when (b.BackupRetention = 1 or b.BackupRetention is null) then 1 else 0 end) as ObjectBasedSubclient, (case when b.ArchiveRention =1 and b.BackupRetention = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as jobBasedSubclinet, (case when ((b.ArchiveRention =1 and b.BackupRetention = 1) or b.ArchiveRention is null) and (flag =''262150'' and Archivedexpirationdays = -1) or (flag !=''262150''and Userdeletedstubsexpirationdays = -1) then 1 else 0 end )as ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithArchiveInfinitly, (case when ((b.ArchiveRention =1 and b.BackupRetention = 1) or b.ArchiveRention is null) and (Daystokeepitemspasttheirexpiration = -1) then 1 else 0 end ) as ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithBackupInfinitly, (case when b.ArchiveRention =0 and b.BackupRetention = 1 and (Daystokeepitemspasttheirexpiration = -1 ) then 1 else 0 end ) as ObjectBaseBackupEnableWithBackupInfinitly, (case when b.ArchiveRention =1 and b.BackupRetention = 0 and ((flag =''262150'' and Archivedexpirationdays = -1) or (flag !=''262150''and Userdeletedstubsexpirationdays = -1)) then 1 else 0 end ) as jobBaseRetentionInfinityly from #retentionStatus b where b.flag is not null )temp, #clientInfo a where a.clientid = temp.clientid; drop table #clientInfo; drop table #retentionStatus; ') END SET @surveyXML = ( SELECT ( SELECT [totalOnePassSubs] AS '@totalOnePassSubs',[totalObjectBasedSubs] AS '@totalObjectBasedSubs',[totalJobBasedSubs] AS '@totalJobBasedSubs',[TotalNoInfiSubs] AS '@TotalNoInfiSubs',[TotalObjectBasedNoInfiSubs] AS '@TotalObjectBasedNoInfiSubs',[ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithArchiveInfi] AS '@ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithArchiveInfi',[ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithBackupInfi] AS '@ObjectBaseBothEnabledWithBackupInfi',[ObjectBaseBackupOnlyEnableWithBackupInfi] AS '@ObjectBaseBackupOnlyEnableWithBackupInfi',[TotalJobBasedNoInfiSubs] AS '@TotalJobBasedNoInfiSubs',[jobBaseRetentionInfinityly] AS '@jobBaseRetentionInfinityly' FROM @temptbl FOR XML PATH ('cf_MetricsQuery10271'), type ) FOR XML PATH ('SurveyResults') ) DECLARE @EndTime AS BIGINT = dbo.GetUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) SET @outputXML = (SELECT @queryId AS '@QueryId', @EndTime AS '@LogDate', (@EndTime - @LogDate) AS '@QueryRunningTime', @surveyXML FOR XML PATH('Rpt_CSSXMLDATA'))