--- Please follow the below comments to insert SQL statements. -- cloud connector query --------- BEGIN - GENERATED CODE, PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY --------- SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @LogDate AS BIGINT = dbo.GetUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) DECLARE @queryId AS INTEGER = 62 DECLARE @surveyXML NVARCHAR(MAX) --------- END - GENERATED CODE --------- --------- BEGIN SURVEY QUERY --------- --------- Insert your SQL statements here -- Get the details of Cloud connector type and the data stored DECLARE @cloudConnector XML If exists (select * from mmmountpath where mountpathtypeid = 7 and mountpathid > 0) Begin DECLARE @tbl TABLE (DeviceId INT, DeviceTypeId INT, dataStoredMB BIGINT) INSERT INTO @tbl SELECT dev.DeviceId, dev.DeviceTypeId, SUM(CAST(mv.PhysicalBytesMB AS BIGINT)) FROM mmdevice dev WITH (READUNCOMMITTED), mmmountpath mp WITH (READUNCOMMITTED), mmmountpathtostoragedevice mpdev WITH (READUNCOMMITTED), MMVolume mv WITH (READUNCOMMITTED) WHERE mp.mountpathtypeid = 7 and mpdev.mountpathid = mp.mountpathid and dev.deviceid = mpdev.deviceid and mv.mediasideid = mp.MediaSideId and (mv.Attributes & 512) = 0 AND mv.SiloStatus <> 3 GROUP BY dev.DeviceId, dev.DeviceTypeId UPDATE T SET DeviceTypeId = (CASE WHEN T.DeviceTypeId = 2 AND T2.UserName not like '%amazonaws.com%' THEN 40 WHEN T.DeviceTypeId = 3 AND T2.UserName not like '%blob.core.%' THEN 39 ELSE T.DeviceTypeId END) FROM @tbl T INNER JOIN (select d.DeviceId, dc.userName, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY d.DeviceId ORDER BY dc.DeviceControllerId asc) as Row from MMDevice d with (readuncommitted), MMDeviceController dc with (readuncommitted) where dc.DeviceId = d.DeviceId and d.DeviceTypeId IN (2, 3)) as T2 ON T.DeviceId = T2.DeviceId AND T2.Row = 1 SET @cloudConnector = (SELECT T.DeviceTypeId AS '@CloudConnectorId', SUM(T.dataStoredMB) as '@DataStored' FROM @tbl T GROUP BY T.DeviceTypeId FOR XML PATH('cloudConnector')) end SET @surveyXML = ( SELECT @cloudConnector FOR XML PATH ('CloudSP') -- Replace <> with specific name ) --------- END SURVEY QUERY --------- --------- BEGIN - GENERATED CODE, PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY --------- DECLARE @EndTime AS BIGINT = dbo.GetUnixTime(GETUTCDATE()) SET @outputXML = ( SELECT @queryId AS '@QueryId', @EndTime AS '@LogDate', (@EndTime - @LogDate) AS '@QueryRunningTime', @surveyXML FOR XML PATH('Rpt_CSSXMLDATA') ) --SELECT cast (@surveyXML as XML) SET NOCOUNT OFF --------- END - GENERATED CODE ---------